Introduction to Color Theory

   Color Theory was an important class that I took during my time at UIC. It taught me a lot about the color wheel and how to use it. For example we learned all about Monochromatic, analogus, triad, complementary colors just to name a few. These important lessons shaped the way I design today and they could even be seen in other designs on this website. When learning about color theory in class there were 3 important parts if the semester. In the first part of the semester we went to home depot and got paint sample cards and studied those samples to create color systems out of them. In the second part of the semester we painted to create those color systems on our own. Lastly, we went back on our computers and took what we learned to create designs and book covers based on the color systems we created.

Created using Paint Samples, Paint and Adobe Illustrator.

Paint Samples


Digital Design

Book Covers